Almost every developer under the sun is familiar with Base64 encoding. It is a very popular encoding for byte arrays when transferred over textual protocols, like HTTP. Base64 is efficiently utilizing ASCII characters to break-down 8-bit arrays into 6-bit words. Alphabet for this encoding is conveniently mentioned in RFC4648.
Fewer people have a need to encode their byte arrays into Base32 but there are some of us that do. Name of this encoding speaks for itself – it chunks up 8-bit arrays into 5-bit words and uses half of Base64 alphabet. This encoding is useful for protocols that do not tolerate case sensitivity of Base64 encoding.
What’s the most obvious use case for Base32 encoding that very few of us cared to notice? Google Authenticator app runs HMAC-based TOTP algorithm and takes a secret in Base32 encoding.
Recently I faced a need to convert regular byte array to Base32 and back. Having crawled through the internet I didn’t find a reliable converter. Some had bugs and some were good only one way but not the other. As such, I ended up writing my own.
This code is available under Creative Commons Attribution license
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace Utilities
/// <summary>
/// Class used for conversion between byte array and Base32 notation
/// </summary>
internal sealed class Base32
/// <summary>
/// Size of the regular byte in bits
/// </summary>
private const int InByteSize = 8;
/// <summary>
/// Size of converted byte in bits
/// </summary>
private const int OutByteSize = 5;
/// <summary>
/// Alphabet
/// </summary>
private const string Base32Alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567";
/// <summary>
/// Convert byte array to Base32 format
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bytes">An array of bytes to convert to Base32 format</param>
/// <returns>Returns a string representing byte array</returns>
internal static string ToBase32String(byte[] bytes)
// Check if byte array is null
if (bytes == null)
return null;
// Check if empty
else if (bytes.Length == 0)
return string.Empty;
// Prepare container for the final value
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length * InByteSize / OutByteSize);
// Position in the input buffer
int bytesPosition = 0;
// Offset inside a single byte that <bytesPosition> points to (from left to right)
// 0 - highest bit, 7 - lowest bit
int bytesSubPosition = 0;
// Byte to look up in the dictionary
byte outputBase32Byte = 0;
// The number of bits filled in the current output byte
int outputBase32BytePosition = 0;
// Iterate through input buffer until we reach past the end of it
while (bytesPosition < bytes.Length)
// Calculate the number of bits we can extract out of current input byte to fill missing bits in the output byte
int bitsAvailableInByte = Math.Min(InByteSize - bytesSubPosition, OutByteSize - outputBase32BytePosition);
// Make space in the output byte
outputBase32Byte <<= bitsAvailableInByte;
// Extract the part of the input byte and move it to the output byte
outputBase32Byte |= (byte)(bytes[bytesPosition] >> (InByteSize - (bytesSubPosition + bitsAvailableInByte)));
// Update current sub-byte position
bytesSubPosition += bitsAvailableInByte;
// Check overflow
if (bytesSubPosition >= InByteSize)
// Move to the next byte
bytesSubPosition = 0;
// Update current base32 byte completion
outputBase32BytePosition += bitsAvailableInByte;
// Check overflow or end of input array
if (outputBase32BytePosition >= OutByteSize)
// Drop the overflow bits
outputBase32Byte &= 0x1F; // 0x1F = 00011111 in binary
// Add current Base32 byte and convert it to character
// Move to the next byte
outputBase32BytePosition = 0;
// Check if we have a remainder
if (outputBase32BytePosition > 0)
// Move to the right bits
outputBase32Byte <<= (OutByteSize - outputBase32BytePosition);
// Drop the overflow bits
outputBase32Byte &= 0x1F; // 0x1F = 00011111 in binary
// Add current Base32 byte and convert it to character
return builder.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Convert base32 string to array of bytes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="base32String">Base32 string to convert</param>
/// <returns>Returns a byte array converted from the string</returns>
internal static byte[] FromBase32String(string base32String)
// Check if string is null
if (base32String == null)
return null;
// Check if empty
else if (base32String == string.Empty)
return new byte[0];
// Convert to upper-case
string base32StringUpperCase = base32String.ToUpperInvariant();
// Prepare output byte array
byte[] outputBytes = new byte[base32StringUpperCase.Length * OutByteSize / InByteSize];
// Check the size
if (outputBytes.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Specified string is not valid Base32 format because it doesn''t have enough data to construct a complete byte array");
// Position in the string
int base32Position = 0;
// Offset inside the character in the string
int base32SubPosition = 0;
// Position within outputBytes array
int outputBytePosition = 0;
// The number of bits filled in the current output byte
int outputByteSubPosition = 0;
// Normally we would iterate on the input array but in this case we actually iterate on the output array
// We do it because output array doesn''t have overflow bits, while input does and it will cause output array overflow if we don''t stop in time
while (outputBytePosition < outputBytes.Length)
// Look up current character in the dictionary to convert it to byte
int currentBase32Byte = Base32Alphabet.IndexOf(base32StringUpperCase[base32Position]);
// Check if found
if (currentBase32Byte < 0)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Specified string is not valid Base32 format because character \"{0}\" does not exist in Base32 alphabet", base32String[base32Position]));
// Calculate the number of bits we can extract out of current input character to fill missing bits in the output byte
int bitsAvailableInByte = Math.Min(OutByteSize - base32SubPosition, InByteSize - outputByteSubPosition);
// Make space in the output byte
outputBytes[outputBytePosition] <<= bitsAvailableInByte;
// Extract the part of the input character and move it to the output byte
outputBytes[outputBytePosition] |= (byte)(currentBase32Byte >> (OutByteSize - (base32SubPosition + bitsAvailableInByte)));
// Update current sub-byte position
outputByteSubPosition += bitsAvailableInByte;
// Check overflow
if (outputByteSubPosition >= InByteSize)
// Move to the next byte
outputByteSubPosition = 0;
// Update current base32 byte completion
base32SubPosition += bitsAvailableInByte;
// Check overflow or end of input array
if (base32SubPosition >= OutByteSize)
// Move to the next character
base32SubPosition = 0;
return outputBytes;